
Used Coffee Maker

I was just outside looking under the hood of my car. The people who live across the street's grandpa was outside, too. I could not take more than a few steps outside before he greeted me with a warm "How're ya?" The casual conversation ended with him wishing me a happy new year and to be safe, because the roads are still slick in some spots, but the main roads are doin' fine.

I looked at a poem I wrote awhile back this morning. I'm thinking if I should try to write music for it or not. If I messed up trying to write music for it, then the poem may be tarnished in my head. It is one of my favorites.

I showered this morning. Breaks from school basically mean breaks from every-day-showering. I suppose I am helping the environment, plus my wallet. It allows me to use less Axe hair putty.

I just made my mom and me some coffee. She said I could use her beans, but they are the mega-off-brand kind. Like there is off-brand, and then the kind that could be mistaken for flavored dirt. I used my really expensive Folgers dark brew. It seems like Wal-Mart always has it on sale.

The snow is melting, my Chia Pet is beginning to come alive, and although this morning is drab, I have a good feeling about today.

My car needs fixed, my hair needs done, my tum has not had any food today, my neck line needs shaved, there are people who will be smashed drunk out of their minds tonight, there will be people looking for a place to get a meal tonight, and the new year may not even be better than this past one.

But I decided my life can be like my pre-owned Mr. Coffee (R) coffee maker. At school, there is a free store for people who need clothes or appliances or furniture. Like a Goodwill, but it is all free. Just have to walk there and take what you want. It is a nice place. I found a 12 cup programmable coffee maker there in November. It even has a built-in cleanable filter. No more paper filters! Or paper towels as my mom would use. The only issue it has is the lip on the pot has been broken. It still pours fine; I just have to pour with an awkward angle so it doesn't drip. Makes a helova cup of coffee, though.

When life gives you a used coffee maker that is broken a little, try using it anyway. You might be surprised what kind of blessings Someone has given you. They just may be hidden a Goodwill spin-off store.

P.S.  Full moon on New Year's Eve! Happens once every 29 years. Take a look at it tonight.


What a Sad Day

I have these days somewhat often.  The days when maybe I balance my checking account, or look at how much homework I have to do and see my scheduled hours for the week at work, or when I look at my tuition balance.  Maybe days when I realize I spend way more than I make, or when I remember my parents' health is in a steady decline.  The car's transmission, the health issue, the unsaved family and friends, the...........

Have you ever had a day like this?  A day when you look at the theoretical empire you have been trying to build and realize it is all really a flimsy sandcastle and high-tide is rolling in and an 8-year-old boy with water-wingies is rushing full-speed toward your castle so his kool-aid-stained feet with sand stuck to his toes can thrash your castle?

It is days like today I wish I had been remembering I should be standing on Christ the Solid Rock and not Billy the Flimsy Sandcastle Man.  No matter what good deeds I do and hard work I do or how high my GPA is, the fact remains that without Christ, I am destined for dirt.  And it does not stop at the dirt.  Without Christ, I am destined for hell.  What a wonderful way to live, right?  Even if I were not to believe it is true, my meek belief system does not decide what is true and false.

So, here I am.  A weak human sitting in Indiana... until I trust in Christ.
When I trust in Him, I do not have to build an empire because He has had one that has always been and always will be.
His throne is ultimate authority.
His power is greater than my Oldsmobile and anything else for that matter.
Congress and the Prez cannot sign a bill that God cannot revoke.
Mother Nature cannot produce a wave so big that He cannot surf it with ease.

Yet here I am, moping about all of my problems.  When Christ would rather go through hell to live with me, than to live without me.  Oh, what love.

Do you know that love?  As you can read, life is not a bundle of cotton candy when you trust Christ.  In fact, He never promises all our troubles and financial problems will disappear.  Your car will still break down and your parents will still die of old age.  Your tests will still be hard and your boss will still be on your case.  Your kids will still be bad and there will still be pot holes on Main Street.

But Christ does promise us an enternity in a paradise unexplainable.  Even better than the one you have heard about at church.

Please, join with me today as I declare

"On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand."
Do you know the Solid Rock?


A Great American

Johnny Cash performing "Redemption" live.

Most of us have heard Johnny and his story.  It is crazy to think there are two really famous images of him.  Here they are:

Speaking... or signing his mind early in life.


Standing next to one of America's best preachers,Billy Graham.

And what strikes me as great about Johnny was not only his great music and conversion story, but also his humbleness.

Johnny performing "Help Me"

But boy, he would tell you how it was.

Johnny performing "God's Gonna Cut You Down"


The Handyman Can

Suppose you have a car.  A super-nice car the coolest Car Saleman ever sold to you.  It is your dream car.  Got the image of it sitting in your drive way now?  Ok.

So, along you come, and you throw a rock, about two-inches in diameter, at the windshield, and you break the windshield.  It breaks through your beloved car's windshield.  It is a smaller hole, but the entire winshield is ruined, nonetheless.

Now, rewind.  Your windshield is back to perfection... except you launch a cinder block through it this time.  It ruins the entire windshield.  Differently than the smaller rock, but the same in the fact that, hey, you just royally jacked up your beloved car.

This is the same as our lives.  We have these precious bodies and our lifetimes to love, be loved, and do God's will.  Yet with our sin, even the smallest of sin, we ruin our entire lives and purposes.  The hole may be smaller for you and bigger for another person, but whether you cheated on your last test or brutally murdered an old man for his wallet, you have something in common with everyone.  We are all RUINED. Check out Romans chapter 5 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=romans%205&version=NASB)  So, sweat the "little sins."  Keep watch. Keep yourself in check at all times.  Have an accountability friend who will let you know when you are messing up.  And rely on God... He can fix your state of being ruined.

For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all.

For He who said, "DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY," also said, "DO NOT COMMIT MURDER." Now if you do not commit adultery, but do commit murder, you have become a transgressor of the law.

So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty.

For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.
                             -James 2:10-13


Counting on 1

So it had been a while
But I decided to practice my counting.

As soon as I began
I realized something had been wrong.

It was tough at first
Because it had been too long since I had studied.
It slowly came back to me
That my numbers I was to study with were out of order!

6 somehow got in front of 4
And 10 swapped places with 3

Soon I noticed they were all distorted
And it tragically came to my attention
That 1 was no longer in Its rightful place.

1 had always been the most important
And who else should have first place, other than Itself?
After all, 1 had been there all along... right in the front.

2 and 3 had even began to notice how 1 had slipped
1 had even downgraded lower than they had.
And soon, 2 through 10 began to revolt!
I felt horrible, and gently let down the other numbers
As if explained how 1 was more important, despite their feelings

I am glad they had revolted
Cause although their revolt seemed bad
It soon became a noticeably good thing.

Now I’m doing swell!
All cause I spent a few minutes studying.

If I put it off any longer,
There is no telling what the other numbers would have done!

I am certainly glad 1 forgave me so quickly.


God as a Crutch

Think about it... who needs a crutch?  Some one who is crippled in some way, right?
"There is none righteous, not even one." Romans 3:10
Do you wonder why God seems so far away?  Or even nonexistent?
"But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He does not hear." Isaiah 59:2
There are many ways and religions to turn toward, or you can even choose nothing, and remain neutral and not be involved in anything.
"There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."  Proverbs 14:2
Do you believe truth is relative and all roads lead to the same place?
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through me." Jesus in John 14:6
What are you doing about all of this?
"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23
I have heard it said many, many times that Christ is just a crutch for weak people.  Well, He is the crutch for weak people.  You and I have this in common...
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23-24
I am not writing this to preach about doomsday, rather, I am saying that there is a way to escape everything that is, was, and will be bad.  There is a way out of this turmoil.
"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have over come the world." Jesus in John 16:33
There is a way out, and God can be that crutch, because if you swallow your pride, you will realize sooner or later that you need a crutch.
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

"For God so loved that world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16

"For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, in order that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh but made alive in the Spirit." 1 Peter 3:18

"If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation." Romans 10:9-10

"And the witness is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.  He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.  These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, in order that you may know that you have eternal life." 1 John 5:11-13
Hit me up with any feedback.  It is greatly appreciated.
(originally posted from Billonie Sandwich)


The Ancient One

Christ is an ancient rock, unmarred by the erosion of time.
His love has reached past beginning and end, in an unending line.
Yahweh’s eternal purpose will never be thwarted.
And one glorious day, His saints will be departed

From this present earth, then it will disintegrate.

Satan and his demons will then burn in the Lake.

My Lord, the Messiah, has created the countless stars.
By His word did He alone design the span between near and far.
With a single breath and joyous heart His breath entered dust.
From that time, the climax of His creation, He did think of us

Yet despite this love, our race rebelled

Going against God, and sprinting toward Hell.

My God, the Never-ending, then took on flesh.
Despite man’s feeble efforts, Jesus gave His best.
Offering up His life, the Blessed Redeemer did.
And the powers of darkness and evil hid.

Because our God is gracious, we can rely on His death.

So with Him we may eternally dwell, after our last breath.

His love and passion are bursting around
The heavens, the galaxies, the oceans, the grounds.
A place He is not cannot be found.
Every knee will bow, at His name, the Renown.

None can hide from God’s perfect will.

In His peace, in His love, I will be still.

The Father of all things, the Creator is, and in Him all was known.
Out of His heart and through His actions, grace and mercy shone.
Earthquakes and tidal waves, lightening from above
Can never, under any endeavor, over throw His love

Because His right arm holds the Earth in space

Strong enough to destroy all creation, yet loving enough to show us grace.

Here's to You, Officer Simmons

Middle school tends to be a time of awkward growth, unacknowledged crushes, introduction to illegal substances, young drama, and searching for a place to fit in. Where did I find my niche? With the kids who started fights.
It was so easy... "Hey man, [so and so] called you a [name]!" And before you knew, some kid was getting pounded in the face with fists.
I think I witnessed more vile acts in junior high then I did in high school. Knowing that things get progressively worse as time goes on, I do not want to imagine what middle school will be like for my kids.
While in middle school there were two larger-than-life forces fighting for me. I will not lie; at times I literally felt there were two armies: one of dark and another of light, trying to get my attention and strap on their boots and fight with them. More often than not, I chose to fight with the bad side I suppose. I would be the instigator, the bully, the liar, the test-cheater, the teacher basher, the class clown, et cetera. Still, oddly enough, I would also be the kid with the bible, the kid who knew the answers in history class to the biblical questions, the kid you could come to and ask for prayer. Thus, undoubtedly, severely skewing my peers' view of what it meant to follow Christ. Especially since I invited most of my friends to my church for Wednesday night youth services.
I could tell of crazy stories, good and bad, for quite a while on my experiences of sixth, seventh, and eighth grade, but I choose this one, because he came to my mind today, and I pray he is still doing well.

There were plenty of school officers in the Anderson Public School Corporation in Anderson, IN; full fledged officers with police authority, due to crime, drugs, fights and whatnot. But Officer Simmons was a calm, cool, and collected guy. I never remember him losing his temper like so many faculties did with the unruly children. I do remember this one time in the cafeteria.

I was sitting with the usual crowd I sat with. We were up to no good I am sure, probably making fun of kids and making cruel jokes that would knock you off your chair. Cruel jokes that would only be funny to a seventh grader who would be drop kicked by his parents if they were to hear them.

I went to the area to dispose of my trash and give my tray to the cleaning ladies, and Officer Simmons stopped me.

"Hey, man, how come I hear you cussing and stuff? Really, I almost expect it out of the other kids in here, but not you."

"Ha, uhh, what do you mean? I wasn't cussing!"

"C'mon, man. Cops are trained to tell when people are lying, and I heard you. I have seen you with your Bible and stuff around here before. What are you doing? I expect more from you."

As time went on, Officer Simmons and I would have these encounters at the same spot by the tray cleaning area at South Side Middle School. He would ask me to give him Bible verses and he would share what his pastor preached on that Sunday. Unfortunately, these encounters became sparse. What really amazes me thinking back is that he would ask ME to pray for him and encourage HIM with scriptures! "How absurd!" I would think. "He is the older guy, the cop!"
Isn't it amazing? The guy still needed encouragement and help, and he was not afraid to ask a chubby rotten kid for it. I think of Officer Simmons when I am hypocritical and looking down my nose at people. I wonder if he still remembers me and prays for me.

I have only seen him twice since I left middle school. Once he pulled me over at 2AM because I was swerving in the road because I knocked my McDonald french fries on the floor and another time when I worked at the go-kart track and his kids rode the youth track. I am not sure if knew why he remembered me, but he did. And that has always had an impact on me.

So, to my readers, my application is this: We should try to become more like Officer Simmons... polite, kind, serious about the faith, not afraid to ask for help when we need it, and encouraging to others.


Throwing Soap--You Know What to Do.

There I was, all cuddled in my recliner with a solitary lighthouse shaped night-light being my source of light to read my book.

There he was... standing just outside of my door, talking on the phone.  He wasn't loud... but his deep toned voice carried through my thin-wood door, bouncing off my hard-tile floor right into my ears.  Much to my annoyance, I may add.  I tried to focus, but still couldn't.

I knew how to make him stop, but would I do it?  It required action, accuracy, and overcoming the struggle of whether or not to go through with it...

So I reached to my box of toiletries, found a heavy bar of soap, and threw it at my door as hard as I could...

Ahhh, silence! I thought, and went back to reading my book.  He had walked away after the thundering boom of Irish Spring soap nailing a thin wooden door.


The Unfair God of Christianity...

I have heard people ask, "How can a loving God send someone to hell?"  This is a very good, well-intentioned question.  Allow me to pose a different question:

"How can a loving God allow someone into heaven?"

For the sake of illustration, think about the person on this earth you love most.  Have that person in mind?  It may take a few seconds, so don't rush ahead in reading until this person is in mind.  Now, consider a perfect stranger who has wronged you somehow.  Do you have this stranger pictured yet?  Now (especially if you are a Christian), the Bible commands us to love one another (John 15:12), and even to love people as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:39, Leviticus 19:18)!

This perfect stranger who has wronged you is now sentenced to death because they wronged you, and now you actually consider this option the judge gives you:  "If you give me the life of this person you love the most, I will not punish this perfect stranger who was actually the one who wronged you. The stranger will go free, but you loved one must die."

Absurd, right?

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16, NIV)
"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him! For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation."  (Romans 5:6-11, NIV)
If you allowed your loved one to die for this stranger, the news and media would tear you apart and your family may very well disown you.  Can't you see how unfair it would have seemed to you loved one?  Gos was likewise unfair to Himself when He decided to become a human and die a painful death so that we can live.

Somehow we get confused about how God would send anyone to hell, but don't you see how confusing it is that He would allow someone to come to heaven and live forever?  We have wronged Him a million times, and since Adam and Eve wronged Him, the entire human race has been in rebellion against its Creator, who still loves us so much, He allowed His Loved One to die in place for us, so we do not have to die and spend eternity in unspeakable torment.  Instead, we can spend forever in happiness and love and unspeakable majesty.

This amazing love is offered to you, too, my reader.

"Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne."
-Jesus (Revelation 3:19-21, NIV)


What Gift Will YOU Give?

The older I get, the more I see the worth of old people. They are invaluable resources to anyone. I am sure you may have already thought of the crabby old man down the street, or that stubborn wrinkly woman who complains a lot about how in her day young people weren't so rude... but perhaps us younger generations can be rude, especially to older people. Before I go off on a tangent, let me tell you a story.

With a stomach full of Arby's, we drove down a dusty county road. Overgrown weeds on either side of the road blocked the view of the fields, but the sun still made the scene beautiful. Before we left, I asked Lavene Lemaster if should would like it if I drove (My car and luggage was at her house, I was on my way back to school from there).

We talked about all types of subjects: Her neighbors, her friend should would go see an Elvis inpersonator with, her church, her family, and so on. Then, as if God had wanted me to learn something ASAP, Lavene began to speak. I turned my head toward the passenger seat to see her kind, intent eyes looking at the road...

"I always tell my friends that God gave us all talents, but I started to think I don't have any talents. But then I thought, "Well I love people, so maybe loving people is my talent."

Leviticus 19:32 (New American Standard Bible)
You shall rise up before the grayheaded and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the LORD.

John 15:12 (New American Standard Bible)
"This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you."


Perspectives--What Are YOU Stressing About?

I will admit I should be sleeping now. I regret not making a to-do calendar this semester. Organization is a blessing we should take more advantage of.

I started to stress out about work and homework, until I was reminded of the young father in Uganda who is stressing about where the next meal for his family will come from. Or what about that elderly man in Toronto staying up and sitting by his frail wife's dying body, just incase tonight is the last night. I also consider that little girl being forced to hear her parents relentless hurl heart-breaking words at eachother while she is being deprived of sleep and has to go to school tomorrow and explain how she "accidently ran into the doorknob and blackened her eye."

I suppose some call the above paragraph "appealing to emotions." Appealing to emotions has been a method many people have used to persuade another into common beliefs. Do not be fooled, friend. I am appealing to your brain.

I often wonder how I can help people, whether they are better off or worse off than I. I know that simply blogging about such issues will not bring about much change. It is my prayer that I can help others.

We think we have a lot to worry about. But the words of Jesus says otherwise. I think we would be surprised how much better life is when you simply serve others and quit focussing on what we have to worry about, whether you are a Christian or not.
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you
will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and
the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they
have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you
are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the

(see Luke 7, NIV)


Pro-Choice or Pro-Death? Be Consistent.

My pet-peeve in someone who is inconsistent. Recently a man was shot four times because he was pro-life (someone who is opposed to abortion). This makes me wonder why people are so inconsistent. Pro-choicer's proudly argue, "We are not pro-DEATH, we just promote someone's choice."

Someone's choice to...? To perhaps be pro-death? This is where the pro-choice mentality is very inconsistent. Let us leave alone the argument of when a baby is considered alive or just a cell-cluster. First let us suppose an embryo is alive and human.

So a pregnancy is considered inconvenient. Whether it be financial stress, emotional stress, pressure from the father, etc, a woman may decide to abort her pregnancy, because of these reasons above, or many others. Bottom line, she/the father did not want the pregnancy to continue. May I present some inconveniences I experience?

I am a college student. The government takes taxes out of my well-earned Chic-fil-a paycheck. What an inconvenience!

There is this guy I know who annoys me and makes my life significantly tougher. He is backstabbing, mean, effects me financially, emotionally, and has effected me physically--my father.

What if I decided just to kill off the government and my father? I did not choose to be born in a taxed society, nor did I decide my father should biologically be my father. So I should be able to kill them, right? In a pro-choicer's logic, I should be able to, without punishment by the law. Taxes are necessary for protection and police and parks and running water. My father was necessary for me to be alive. Likewise God ordained pregnancy to be necessary for life and preservation, let alone numerous other joys (yes, and sorrows) a baby/human may bring. What gives anyone the right to think he or she may choose to abort tax collectors or their father or a baby?

Now, let us consider life. Science has proven and explained how plants are alive. Let us take a California redwood for example. It grows. It has cells that are clustered. They depend on water and sunlight and earth.

Now for an embryo: It grows. It has cells that are clustered. It depends on nourishment from a mother.

If I were to cut down one of the famous California redwoods, I would be punished by the law.

"But judge! It was blocking my view! I wanted to be a happier person and just drive around without having to dodge those stupid trees! That tree was a major inconvenience!"

If anyone sincerely wants the choice to choose between destroying an embryo, please be consistent and fight for my "right" to cut down a tree or destroy a historical monument or kill your family should they inconvenience me (because what if your mom parks in front of my house so I can't and she is on well-fare so my taxes support her, which directly impacts my finances, thus my emotional state of worrying about money).

I do not think that cutting down a California redwood is fine or that killing someone on well-fare is fine. I am all about supporting someone who needs my help in surviving. AKA, pro-life.



The benefits which in this life do accompany or flow from justification, adoption, and sanctification, are assurance of God's love, peace of conscience (Rom. 5:1, 2, 5), joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5, 17), increase of grace (Pr. 4:18), and perseverance therein to the end (1 John 5:13; 1 Pet. 1:5).

The souls of believers are at their death made perfect in holiness (Heb. 12:23), and do immediately pass into glory (2 Cor. 5:1, 6, 8; Phil. 1:23; Luke 23:43); and their bodies being still united to Christ (1 Thess. 4:14), do rest in their graves (Is. 57:2) till the resurrection (Job 19:26, 27).

At the resurrection believers, being raised up in glory (1 Cor. 15:43), shall be openly acknowledged, and acquitted in the day of judgment (Mt. 25:23; Mt. 10:32), and made perfectly blessed, both in soul and body, in the full enjoyment of God (1 John 3:2; 1 Cor. 13:12) to all eternity (1 Thess. 4:17, 18).

The souls of the wicked shall, at their death, be cast into the torments of hell, and their bodies lie in their graves, till the resurrection and judgment of the great day (Luke 16:23, 24; Acts 2:24; Jude 5, 7; 1 Pet. 3:19; Ps. 49:14).

At the day of judgment the bodies of the wicked, being raised out of their graves, shall be sentenced, together with their souls, to unspeakable torments with the devil and his angels for ever (John 5:28, 29; Mt. 25:41, 46; 2 Thes. 1:8, 9).

(from http://www.founders.org/library/pcat.html)

Aren't these wonderful truths? I admit to almost putting the second one listed above ("the souls of the believers at their death made perfect...) as my Facebook status. But I stopped myself.

I wondered if it was because I was embarassed, but I knew that was not the case. I was too scared to put the one about what happens with believers without putting what happens to the wicked. Too long the "church" has gave all the good sides of things, but neglect the bad sides of things.

Some pastors will openly admit to not calling lost people even "lost people" because of its harsh tone. Let alone "sinners," "wicked," "ungodly," et cetera. I suppose this may be fine (however unchurched may not be the best way to put it), but we must proclaim what the Bible proclaims if in fact is TRULY IS our final auhority of all things. I am pushed to as whether or not it is for many churches.

I figure that preachers are afraid to be accuses of "brow beating." What preacher would want to be labeled as a harsh jerk only looking for results? Well, I doubt the harsh part, but we should all be looking for results. In fact, it seems to me that results are inevitable so long as we are not straying from God's pure will, unless God is teaching us a lesson, which is beside the point.

Should we not tell our children if they do run off in the mall or cross the street without dad's hand that they will get slapped on the hand or spanked or put in a few minutes of time out? WHY? Because we, being common sensed adults, know what could happen! Kidnapped, hit by a car. WHY? We love them and care about them.

Pastors, we say we are a loving church and seek to bring people into God's love and care. So, should not we be warning them what will happen if they live life without God?

Of course, let all believers explain and actively express what happens when we are believers! As the first and second catechisms I posted above. How happy it is to say what wonders God has personally done for us in our lives. But the Bible is very clear about what will happen to the unbeliever. It is sad, but true. All will earn their part in the lake of fire, lest they have trusted the Lord and actively given their life to trusting Him.

Is this scaring people into the church? I suppose I am not quite sure, although God's grace seems irrestible to me. But I do know this: If I was about to go jogging into a warzone with bullets blazing, but I did not even know I was gonna jog through a battlefield while I not knowing what the explosion sounds were or what a bullet or gun was, and no one explained to me the dangers while knowing I was about to jog through that warzone, I would be inclined to believe they did not love me.

Feed me, clothe me, invite me to lunch, pick me up for the Bible study with free coffee... but please, warn me if I am about to be cast into the unspeakable torments of hell.

Obviously there are correct and incorrect ways to speak with people about this touchy issue, but that does not mean we should stray from the Word of God.

God's grace is pretty astounding. And hellfire and brimstone were not the only things that thrusted me into trusting Him, but that all is another rant at another time.


Psalm 3

Psalm 3 is the first psalm that is ascribed to David. It is an individual lament, and this sets the mood for what the psalm contains: David’s cry to God and his confidence in God’s deliverance and salvation.[1]

What Psalm 3 conveys is David’s anguish caused by the attacks of his enemies. In the opening strophe of verses 1 and 2, the Psalmist exclaims how numerous his enemies are. One of these enemies includes David’s very own son, Absalom. David’s life began to be torn apart by family problems (2 Sam 12:15-14:33) due to his sin with Bathsheba (2 Sam 11-12). As a result of the family problems, Absalom was able to trick many people of Israel to be loyal to him, and David had to flee from Absalom and his conspirators in fear of them killing him (2 Sam 15:13-14).[2] Absalom and the conspirators are the enemies David talks about in verses 1 and 2 of this psalm. These enemies are saying that David can find no salvation in God, perhaps because they have seen the effects of David’s sin with Bathsheba and all the troubles it brought.
From verse 3 until verse 8, David’s mood seems to change. The psalmist, in verse 4, begins to write with anticipation, almost as though the disgrace of his enemies has already taken place.[3] He writes that the Lord has answered him, indicating God is already at work. The psalmist begins to boast in God and in what He is currently doing. The metaphor used in verse 8 of the Lord breaking David’s enemies’ teeth means these enemies are like animals who lose their strength when their teeth are broken (Ps 58:6).[4]

This psalm implies that no matter how numerous or ominous our enemies are, God will hear our cries for help and protect us from their attacks. This is not to say we will not face hardship for our faith, but God sustained David and will sustain His chosen, as well. When people come at us saying that we have no salvation in God, we must allow God to work on His own behalf while remaining faithful to Him. David did not break His enemies’ teeth, we must note. Rather, it was God, and vengeance belongs to Him (Ro 12:9).
Another implication is that God not only protects His beloved as a shield about them (verse 3), but He also gives them hope and confidence in the midst of despair (lifting of David’s head in verse 3). Throughout this psalm it is clear how David’s head is being lifted by God. The psalmist begins chapter 3 with a somber tone, but gradually lightens the mood as he writes of how great the Lord is.
A third implication from Psalm 3 is that God is in unreserved control of every aspect of our lives, even the small seemingly insignificant aspects. God sustained and protected David to the extent that David was able to sleep and to awake in safety. This implies that God not only protects and gives hope and confidence, but also cares enough to give rest to those who are under attack. If God is in control of such aspects like sleeping in peace, believers should not worry about anything (Matt 6:25).

This psalm is significant to my own life in that no matter how many enemies set themselves against me, I do not have to fear them, as David no longer feared his enemies. With God being my glory, I can have honor and dignity, as David was able to have God as his glory despite the shame his enemies heaped on him,[5] and our glory is to be found in the fact that Christ has redeemed us.
With the Lord being my shield, I can rest assured knowing that God will sustain, protect, and give confidence and rest to me as He did for David. It is significant that God is my shield because if anything else was my shield, it would be penetrable. But God is who I should trust in because His shield is impenetrable. Also, even though when times get tough I may become moody and dark, I can take courage because David was the same way. David was weak and distraught, but quickly moved from despair to calm confidence in God.[6] Likewise, I can be confident in Christ and His power, which is made perfect in my weakness (2 Cor 12:9).

[1]Kenneth L. Baker and John R. Kohlenberger, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament Abridged Edition. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Corporation, 1994), 795.

[2]Baker and Kohlenberger, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament Abridged Edition, 795.

[3]Elmer A. Leslie, The Psalms, (Nashville, TN: Parthenon Press, 1949), 348.

[4]Baker and Kohlenberger, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament Abridged Edition, 796.

[5]William MacDonald, Believer’s Bible Commentary, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers Inc., 1995), 551.

[6]Ibid., 550.


Trusting in God (Is 13)

Isaiah 13-14:23 collectively gives a prophecy against Babylon. Verses 1-22 in chapter 13 specifically concern Babylon being conquered by the Medes and Persians, while some parts of 13 look beyond this event and into the final destruction of Babylon at the end of the Great Tribulation (Rev. 17, 18).[1]

This oracle that Isaiah saw conveys that God’s people cannot rely on other nations, but they must rely on God.[2] God will punish Israel’s enemies as her enemies deserve, so these nations will be of no help to Israel in time. In 13:2-3 God is speaking, saying that He has called His holy (consecrated) ones to carry out His wrath against Babylon. In verses 4 and 5, the Lord is painting a picture of Himself mustering an army for war. This army is His instrument to execute judgment on Babylon.

In Revelation 18, an angel shouts of how Babylon has fallen, but by the time John the Revelator had penned this prophecy in Revelation, the literal Babylon had already fallen and seen literal destruction. So, Isaiah 13:6 seems to indicate that this prophecy goes beyond the destruction of literal Babylon and on to the figurative Babylon, as spoken of in Revelation 18. This figurative Babylon represents all of God’s enemies, and in Isaiah 13:9-11, God says that He will make the land desolate and punish the world for its evil. This indicates that God’s judgment of evil is not limited to the physical borders of Babylon. Rather, His judgment will reach to all of the wicked in the world. The strophe of verses 6-8 indicates the utter terror and pain that will seize Babylon, and that “they will look aghast at each other, their faces aflame.” This may indicate those being punished will recognize the pain and terror they are feeling as a judgment of their wrongdoing, making them blush.[3]

With verse 14, the prophecy seems to focus back in on the literal Babylon of that time, saying that foreigners who are in Babylon at the time when God unleashes His anger will flee. However, everyone who is caught in Babylon at that time will be killed. The Lord may seem overly violent and merciless in this oracle, especially in verse 16 when He says Babylon’s infants will be dashed and the men’s wives will be ravished. However, we must not forget the holiness of God and His intolerance of sin. Sinners will be punished (Revelation 21:8) with God as the ultimate Judge. Here, God happens to be using the Medes to carry judgment against Babylon. God strategically uses the Medes because, as said in verse 17, they have no delight in gold. This way, the Babylonians cannot bribe their punishers to keep them from doing God’s will. This prophecy goes on to shame Babylon, saying that people will no longer dwell there, but rather animals will dwell in their strongholds and luxurious places.

An implication that has significance for people today (not just Christians, but all people) is that God will not tolerate sin. In Isaiah 21, another oracle against Babylon, Isaiah writes of how Babylon has fallen. In verse 9, we see that not only has Babylon come to destruction, but all of her gods lie shattered on the ground. This imagery shows how anything of value we may put before God (idols) is nothing compared to Him. Christians must not put trust in political leaders, money, our own strength, et cetera, lest these things held above God be shattered by God. Followers must trust in Him alone. As implied in this passage, God will not allow His fame and deity to be shared with false gods. Just as God’s people should not have trusted in Babylon or foreign nations, we should not trust in anything else but Him. His judgment reaches out to all whom he pleases it to reach out to, including our idols.

In Isaiah 13:17, we see how the Medes have no desire for silver or gold. As said above, this was a strategic move of God’s so that the Babylonians will not be able to bribe the Medes to keep them from their calling to judge Babylon. Many Christians seem to believe if there is enough money in the offering plate or the right clothes on Sunday morning that God will accept these as righteousness. On the Day of Judgment, we will not be able to bribe God with any good thing we have or deed we have done (Matthew 7:22-23) because it is only by faith in Christ we are counted as righteous (Romans 3:10-24). With this faith, we do not need to fear judgment, nor worry about bribing God.

Another implication of Isaiah 13 is that God is a just God, punishing and blessing as He sees fit. Where sin abounds, He obliterates it. It may seem strange how God uses the Medes here instead of His chosen people Israel, or some other source to carry out judgment. As said above, we know that God used the Medes specifically because they could not be bribed. God using the Medes implies that He can and will use anyone to carry out His will, and He does so however He pleases, despite if it seems odd or cruel to us (1 Corinthians 3:19). Still, in accordance with His just ways, He will keep His promises to have compassion on His chosen people, as we notice in 14:1-2. Judgment prophecies are often conditional, as we see in Isaiah 1:18-20. Here, God asks Judah to reason with Him so He can wash their sins white as snow. He says if they are obedient they can eat the good of the land, but if they refuse and rebel, they will be devoured by the sword. How embarrassing it would be for a confessing Christian to be destroyed by a non-Christian source because the Christian was not trusting in God! This is much like God using to Medes to destroy the Babylonians, because Israel’s faith was not with the right protector. If we will repent for not fully trusting in God alone, we will be spared of His wrath.

[1] William MacDonald, Believer’s Bible Commentary, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers Inc., 1995), 949.

[2] Life Application Study Bible: New International Version, (Carol Streams, IL: Tyndale House Publishers Inc.), 2005, 1098.

[3]Kenneth L. Baker and John R. Kohlenberger III, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Old Testament Abridged Edition. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Corporation, 1994), 1068.


As the Deer

I felt a throb in my forehead as a burning sensation filled my face, and then my eyes went blurry with tears. God must have seen me there in my room that particular night. He has always sustained me, and I believe He always will. This night was tough, though. It was beginning to turn into morning, but it was still dark. I had been lying on my floor. The dull forest green semi-shaggy carpet somehow became comfortable as I felt unworthy to lie in my own bed. I would attempt to pray, but I was more gloomy than prayerful. I had wronged a friend and found myself alone. I would search the depths of my dark and fatigued mind looking for someone who would answer my call as my clock seemed to mock me. It boasted in bright red numbers “3:00 AM”. I would not let it boast anymore! I slipped on some sweat pants, a t-shirt, a scarf, and some work boots I wear when it is snowy outside.

I suddenly was not very sleepy anymore. I trudged through the living room toward the front door and my mother saw me. “Where are you goin’ at this time in the mornin’?” I did not do a good job of appeasing her curiosity. “I just can’t sleep, so I am going for a drive…” The fact that she did not mind me leaving made me more adventurous. I hopped in my 1996 Chevy Corsica. The morning air seemed magical being so light and breathable. The sweet moist scent of the morning air convinced me this trip was a good idea. I wanted to go for a drive in the country and pray—just me and God.

I was nervous getting into my car, not wanting anyone to see me. I wanted solitude and peace. I can recall the words I faintly, softly uttered. “God... I have officially gone crazy... or maybe not. Um, I pray that no one sees me... that I'll be invisible… Keep me safe. God, I don’t understand really..." I offered up prayers of confusion, longing for a sign, and longing for help during my drive. My car sliced through the blackness in the atmosphere as I gradually drove out of the city limits. Houses and stoplights soon turned into cornfields and trees.

I found myself quite attentive on a dark country road when suddenly I noticed something in my peripheral vision. To the left of me and my car I noticed a glowing eye! I began to gradually press my brake pedal as the swift glowing eye changed directions from diagonal to the road to parallel with it. I was sure it wanted to cross the road, and I intended to let it pass. I concluded it was a doe, but then behind it, I noticed another furred, glowing eyed creature. By the antlers, the second one of course was a buck lagging behind his counter-part.

The doe seemed to realize I was letting them cross the road. Either that or she just thought they could make it across in time. She picked up her speed and darted ahead of me and began to cross. The buck followed suit. My morning was becoming peaceful as his eyes glowed like hers, like little white marbles reflecting pure white light. Then something amazing happened. The doe significantly slowed down in the middle of the old rural road. I was still inching forward with my headlights blazing. She stood between my car and the buck as she turned her neck and looked past her left shoulder. Only after she watched the buck safely crossed the road did she continue on! I could barely believe I had just witnessed such love in action. She risked being hit by a speeding hunk of steel to make sure he made it across.

They continued on through a snow-covered field, as I said to my God, “Ha. Wow. That, my friend, has to be a sign from you.” Then, looking upward, an orange glow from the sun was beginning to peek over the horizon.


How Tough It All Seems

It can be overwhelming... life that is. I will even say serving our Lord Jesus is tough, but only our human minds think that.

Troubles to us are very real. But to the Creator and Master of all, they are just peices of a bigger puzzle, or grains of sand on His beach.

Today was going very well for me. Classes rocked, dorm meeting (chapel for my college) was very insightful. Everything seemed so... on point.

Then it all set in. Life began to brew and steep in my mind. I gathered all the work I have to get done this week. I thought of the cash I was waving goodbye to to fix my car. I realized I have misplaced a textbook somewhere, and I cannot find it. I thought of paying of school somehow, my relationships with people and family and friends. I thought of the ministry and how I feel like I should be making a bigger impact.

Well, after some prayer and quiet time, all these things seemed more like grains of sand on His beach, but I will admit I am still stressed out.

The back of my study Bible that has "What to read when you feel..." sections won't satisfy me right now. Philippians 4 isn't sticking too well in my mind right now (not worrying about anything but praying for everything/telling God what you need and thanking Him for all He has done/then you'll experiance His peace...). Although I do advise reading that and applying it.

I do not undermine scripture though, I am simply saying reading it isn't enough. Now I have to apply it. ALL of it. How do I do that?

I must make the Word personal. God is the Word. I must take my Christian walk deeper. I must actually live with Christ like He is walking next to me at all times.

It is tough though. After saying all that, I admit I still feel overwhelmed. But it all must be put in perspective.

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

How do you be a radical?

Read the Word and live a life of Godly love.

How do you triumph over all life's problems?

You can't.
That is where trusting God comes into play. Nothing is impossible with Him. But His way might not be your way. Paul probably did not want to be in prison for 5 years for a crime he did not commit, but that was God's way of taking the Gospel of the Savior to Rome. God will be with us. I know it, but don't take my word for it.

There are so many aspects of these truths that I simply cannot write about all of them. But go to Him, all of you who have heavy burdens. His burderns are light--but they may not be like you want them to me.

Well, I am done scattering my brain all over this blog.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

-Philippians 4:6-7


Just one of those nights

When you are so tired, but you can't fall asleep.
When your mind thinks too much, even though you couldn't get it to during class.
When you understand that not too many people understand you.
When you just wanna drive to a beach and watch the waves glide from the horizon to your toes as the stars twinkle something glorious just beyond your reach.


Walk and Talk - An English Comp. Essay

The assignment: Write a descriptive essay that is opinionated, incorporating the five senses (touch, sound, taste, sight, smell).

I wanted to write about something meaningful to, and helpful to my reader. So, I wrote of something simple, yet applicable. Tell me what you think and see if it is helpful ext time you wanna get to know someone.


God’s creations are astounding. The only way to truly experience them is to get out and see them. Seeing something beautiful, such as nature, stirs something inside the soul. Adventure may mount as a longing for something greater to look at brews, or perhaps the surroundings bring about a more somber tone. Nature can speak to humans, and a walk is the easiest and most efficient way to see the nature that may bring about such things in one’s soul. A person to walk next to is even better. I find that as I share the experiences of overflowing emotions, I usually find out the most beautiful thing is the person walking next to me. Simply going for a walk with a friend is best way to get to know her.
As I walk with my friend, I cannot help but notice the scuff of rubber on the pavement. I look downward to see the shoe scratch and then stop. With an even closer look, one may notice the individual bumps and summits of the pavement below. Then looking upward, no matter what time of day, the sky is always mesmerizing. If it is night and completely dark, the sky is a black ocean in which to swim. If it is daylight, then the sun is something to marvel at, radiating incredible beams. If it is cloudy, then the clouds are something to reach for and perhaps walk on or fly through. If the air is dry, then searching for moisture can be a way to dig deeper. If the air is moist, then one can breathe in the bounty of the atmosphere! As these details are shared, details of the friend will eventually be noticed. Then, conversation becomes deeper.
The sounds of the outside may require a listener to listen more intently. A leaf rustling by or a duck quacking will not drown out the co-walker’s voice, but will call for greater attention to be paid. I enjoy it when a loud noise or activity is going on nearby, then my walking partner and I may stop and listen! A baseball game in the park or some construction work on the road makes for interesting things to stop and watch, to analyze and discuss. Another interruption that makes a walk with a friend more interesting is when another friend walks by. It may seem to stop progress, but I have noticed that the way a friend talks of another after that person has left can say a lot about the friend’s character and heart. So, an obstruction can prove constructive when attempting to get acquainted with a friend while walking—just pay attention to her reaction.
A coffee shop is nice, and movies may be entertaining. But going for walk with a friend, with all its benefits, seems to always produce a great conversation. Conversing with and paying attention to another’s reactions can teach many things. Therefore, walking is the best way to get to know someone. It makes no difference whether your walking trail is in a town park, down a dusty country road with cornstalks on either side, or in a downtown metropolis dodging business people. All of these have the same benefits listed above, and all will further you in your quest to getting to know your friend. Walk and talk. I have found that many benefits wait there.


From Myspace to Bible College

In my free time I enjoy writing. Poems, songs, whatev. Back in the day when Myspace ruled, I would often post at least 1 time a week, if not multiply times a day. It got to the point where people would say it was my ministry.

Facebook soon conquered Myspace, but has a weak blogging application. So here I am.

So, I suppose I will document my thoughts and positions. Currently I am thinking of something to write while sitting in a chair. Get it?

Here is the point of this first blog. I want to live and express Jesus the Messiah in everything I do and say and participate in. I may never achieve this goal, but I will continually run after it. Correct me when I am wrong, though.

That'll be the chorus of many of my blogs in the future. I am excited to start this up again.

Questions about God?
