From Adam to Noah to Abraham to Moses
To who knows whence and where it goest
God's grace spread through Jesus, and then
To the disciples, and then all men.
Somewhere along the way that grace reached me
While I was afar sinning, lost at sea.
Until that light shone and my mind's eye was awakened
And the Lord my heart captured, and my sin was taken.
My sin was not covered by the good works I hath done,
But rather my sin was blotted out and burnt up by the Son.
Thus my hands will raise, and my tongue will dance!
May I spread this Good News whenever I've the chance.
Hath thou known that He created man from dust?
Hath thou known that His love He did thrust?
Hath thou known worlds spun at His word spoken?
What price wilt thou pay to obtain this buried token?
I was shocked to notice that He struggled this for me:
Bloody, beaten, disregarded, heart ruptured, hanging on the tree.
How do I reply to such a sight? With each sin I pound the nails in tight
With each sin I pound the nails in tight, my sin reflecting my malice and spite.
The Love that saved humankind from an earth-drowning flood,
The Love that turns a seed into a flower bud,
The Love that noticed thee and raised thee from the mud,
Didst hang there for you, soaked in blood.
Copyright © Billy James Edwards
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