My head slightly dizzy, my forehead warm with fever, one nostril dry and burning while the other be clogged, I marched through the snow to get some firewood behind the garage. It lit up nice, though wet, with some kindling (aka Kroger brand cola boxes).
I sat and let my feet warm up, thinking about stories I enjoy: The Lord of the Rings, The Narnia Chronicles, The Walking Dead, etc. You know, dorky stuff. I realized what all good stories have in common! In fact, all stories in general. The ending would not have happened the way it did if what happened before did not happen at all.
Frodo would not have been around to destroy the ring had he not been adopted by Bilbo (remember Frodo was the only one around who had the will power to resist the ring's evil!).
The Wardrobe would not have been if the Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer had not been around their creepy magician uncle Andrew (remember Digory Kirke becomes Professor Kirke!).
Rick Grimes would not have survived the initial zombie apocalypse in the hospital if his gunshot wound did not put him into a coma!
You would not be where you are if you had not gone through what you went through. Catch my drift?
God authors real life, we play our roles. Fortunately for us, we can see the end of the story--and the beginning! Go read your Genesis then John then some Revelation and be thankful that it is out of your control... and in His.
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