
A Christian Response to Islamic Terrorism and Gun Violence (Protect, Pray, Preach)

Every other day there seems to be a new news story of Jihadism, mass shootings, or ISIS beheading someone because they won't play ball by their rules. To cap off the sad news stories, we have a President and Congress who seems absolutely aloof and removed from the fears of every day folk.

As a Christian, a husband, and a citizen of the United States, I began to wonder, "What ought my response be to these perilous days?" I believe there are 3 main things that will deter terrorism, curb lack-luster lawmakers, and conquer radical Islam and gun violence. Let's explore them.

1. Protect
To effectively deter terrorism, curb lack-luster lawmakers, and conquer radical Islam and gun violence we must responsibly utilize our 2nd Amendment rights. This includes being vigilant (see something, say something).

I am not advocating the use of force to accomplish anything. I am however advocating the legal use of arms in protecting your family and country. The goal is to never, ever have to use them.

As a Christian man, I consider it my responsibility to look after my family and those who cannot look after themselves. I used to think a shotgun at home was enough, and that may be so for some. But for years now, I have been a Hoosier concealed carry permit holder. And I carry more than just the card.

Let me be clear. I do not want my community to turn into an OK-Corral with a bunch of deputy wannabes toting firearms with the safety off. Let me be clearer. I do not want my community to look like the bad side of Chicago or the south end of Paris.

The answer to gun violence is not to take away guns from the good guys. If I meet Jihadi John in Indy and it comes down to me or him... hey, I plan on it being him.

If I am taking a walk in the park with my wife and Lunatic Larry opens fire, I would prefer have a fighting chance.

Fidgety Frank is less likely to break in and steal my Ny-quil and TV if he knows I am armed with more than a cell phone.

I have a couple buddies who are in law enforcement. I love and respect them. But I know they can't be everywhere I am. But I am everywhere where I am.

Be responsible. Take the required training. Learn to safely, legally and effectively operate a firearm.

2. Pray
I don't mean to over-spiritualize everything. Thankfully, the Bible backs me up on this. It says to not worry about anything but pray about everything. To ask God for what we need and thank Him for all He has done and then we will experience His peace which is far greater than we can ever understand. Check out Philippians 4:6-7 for that.

How should we pray? We ask God to fill us with His power in order to live like Jesus: Full of love, compassion, and wisdom. We ask God to protect our country, community, and family. We ask that there would be a Christian awakening, or revival. That way the same Biblical principles we know cause positive and powerful change for us will permeate our whole culture again. We ask God to lead our leaders.

Here is a wonderful prayer we can pray. It is the final verse of that great anthem of the country, "America:"

Our fathers' God to Thee,
Author of liberty
To Thee we sing
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light
Protect us by Thy might
Great God, our King!

Bet they don't sing that verse in school anymore.

3. Preach
How do we eradicate darkness? Turn a light on, for crying out loud!

We tell God to leave our school systems. He does. We tell God to leave our public squares. He does. We tell God to leave our government, and He may be on His way out. Take God out of an area, and there will be a major void. Guess who fills that void. Really, guess.

The prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament said this: "When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God?... Consult God's instruction and the testimony of warning. Of anyone does not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn. Distressed and hungry, they will roam through the land; when they are famished, they will become enraged and, looking upward, will curse their king and their God."

Allow me to paraphrase: Folks start looking for answers from boneheads and neglect asking God. Then darkness starts creeping in and morning time seems to never come. Then they get mad that God won't help when things get real bad. Example: the recent major news magazine that had as their front cover: "God isn't going to fix this."

Thankfully, at the beginning of chapter 9, Isaiah continues, "Those walking in darkness have seen a great light; and those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned... for to us a child is born, to us a son is given... he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

So to make darkness run we have to turn on this "great light." His name is Jesus. As Christians begin to preach the good news of Jesus' arrival, perfect life, death, resurrection, ascension into Heaven and imminent return, darkness will get scared, fight tooth and nail, but ultimately flee.

How can you preach the Gospel? Ask God to show you ways you can. It starts by living a holy life so when you actually use your mouth to speak about Jesus, people won't be turned off. Talk to your pastor and church family and friends about ways you can change the world by simply sharing the hope of Jesus.

If you're reading this and you're not a Christian, the fact that you made it through all that religious talk says a lot about you.  I think it says you are thinking there may be something to all this Jesus stuff.  Good news for ya:  you can know Jesus in a real, personal way.  Just talk to him (yeah, it will seem weird at first) and ask him to help you out every day.  Start reading the book of John in the Bible to learn more about him.  It is my sincerest of beliefs that Jesus is the absolute answer to these troubling times.

I'd love to read your comments!  Post them below.  I'll respond ASAP.

Questions about God?
