
The Ancient One

Christ is an ancient rock, unmarred by the erosion of time.
His love has reached past beginning and end, in an unending line.
Yahweh’s eternal purpose will never be thwarted.
And one glorious day, His saints will be departed

From this present earth, then it will disintegrate.

Satan and his demons will then burn in the Lake.

My Lord, the Messiah, has created the countless stars.
By His word did He alone design the span between near and far.
With a single breath and joyous heart His breath entered dust.
From that time, the climax of His creation, He did think of us

Yet despite this love, our race rebelled

Going against God, and sprinting toward Hell.

My God, the Never-ending, then took on flesh.
Despite man’s feeble efforts, Jesus gave His best.
Offering up His life, the Blessed Redeemer did.
And the powers of darkness and evil hid.

Because our God is gracious, we can rely on His death.

So with Him we may eternally dwell, after our last breath.

His love and passion are bursting around
The heavens, the galaxies, the oceans, the grounds.
A place He is not cannot be found.
Every knee will bow, at His name, the Renown.

None can hide from God’s perfect will.

In His peace, in His love, I will be still.

The Father of all things, the Creator is, and in Him all was known.
Out of His heart and through His actions, grace and mercy shone.
Earthquakes and tidal waves, lightening from above
Can never, under any endeavor, over throw His love

Because His right arm holds the Earth in space

Strong enough to destroy all creation, yet loving enough to show us grace.

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