
Pair of Dice for Paradise?

Never roll the dice when it comes to Paradise. Once I replied to a video advocating a popular book on Atheism. In my response video, I encouraged debate, reasoning, and searching, but in the end to make sure whatever you place all your trust in won’t let you down in the end.

I trust in Jesus because to me, he seems most logical, most loving and safe. Worst case scenario, I rot in a grave. Best case scenario, my last breath in my dying body means my first breath of celestial air in Paradise.

Luke chapter twenty-three verses thirty-two through forty-three gives us Luke’s account of the death of Jesus on the cross. In it we find an event unique to Luke’s gospel–Jesus’ conversation with the dying convict.
Jesus did not die on the pretty jewel studded cross we see on rappers’ chains nor on the lofty spotlighted cross of cathedrals. Rather his cross was one of dirt, blood, and splinters. His cross was flanked by fellow convicts’ crosses, on a hill nicknamed “The Skull.”

The story goes like this: “You’re the Savior, right? Get to saving then! Here we are hanging, what’s the hold up?” One of the criminals hanging on another cross shouted out.

But the other convict was wise. This second criminal knew his romping days were done for. If you rarely think about Heaven now, you will the day you reckon you’re going to die. Now was not the day for this criminal to roll the dice on Paradise. He knew if there was ever a shot at settling his account with God, Jesus was his best bet. His check book was way in the negative and he was hoping Jesus’ death was the deposit he needed to break even.

The second criminal yelled at the first mocking one, “Don’t you have any fear of a just God? You and I are hanging here because we deserve it, but this man ain’t never done nothing wrong!”
Then he turned to Jesus, “Jesus, remember me when you enter your kingdom.”
What a confession!

Essentially he said, “Jesus, you’re perfect.
Jesus, I revere you and your holiness.
Jesus, I deserve this death for my deeds but you don’t. When you rule and reign, please remember me.”

We do not have a recite a “repeat after me” prayer like the TV preacher talks about (though there ain’t much wrong with that). Jesus just wants us to know who he is, what he did for us, and why. Then we follow his lead.

He is holy.
He died as a propitiation (http://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/propitiation) for us.
Because he loves us. Then we follow his lead.
That confession was all it took for Jesus to pour out free-flowing love on this dying man as Jesus’ free-flowing blood spilled down the cross. This same blood figuratively washed away this confessing criminal’s crimes, and it can wash away all our wrong deeds, too.

So why roll the dice? Why risk it? If you never gave Jesus a good hearty try, try him now. Talk to him! So what if you feel loony at first? Jesus promises Paradise in the after-life forever. Curious about all that? Read Revelation chapters twenty-one and twenty-two: A recreated perfect Earth forever with a recreated perfect body and perfect food and drink and a whole perfect universe to explore while kickin’ it with Jesus? Yes, please.

No more gambling my eternal life in this life. I wanna get to the next one.

Jesus replied to the man, “I tell you the truth, this very day you will be with me in Paradise.”

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