
How Tough It All Seems

It can be overwhelming... life that is. I will even say serving our Lord Jesus is tough, but only our human minds think that.

Troubles to us are very real. But to the Creator and Master of all, they are just peices of a bigger puzzle, or grains of sand on His beach.

Today was going very well for me. Classes rocked, dorm meeting (chapel for my college) was very insightful. Everything seemed so... on point.

Then it all set in. Life began to brew and steep in my mind. I gathered all the work I have to get done this week. I thought of the cash I was waving goodbye to to fix my car. I realized I have misplaced a textbook somewhere, and I cannot find it. I thought of paying of school somehow, my relationships with people and family and friends. I thought of the ministry and how I feel like I should be making a bigger impact.

Well, after some prayer and quiet time, all these things seemed more like grains of sand on His beach, but I will admit I am still stressed out.

The back of my study Bible that has "What to read when you feel..." sections won't satisfy me right now. Philippians 4 isn't sticking too well in my mind right now (not worrying about anything but praying for everything/telling God what you need and thanking Him for all He has done/then you'll experiance His peace...). Although I do advise reading that and applying it.

I do not undermine scripture though, I am simply saying reading it isn't enough. Now I have to apply it. ALL of it. How do I do that?

I must make the Word personal. God is the Word. I must take my Christian walk deeper. I must actually live with Christ like He is walking next to me at all times.

It is tough though. After saying all that, I admit I still feel overwhelmed. But it all must be put in perspective.

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

How do you be a radical?

Read the Word and live a life of Godly love.

How do you triumph over all life's problems?

You can't.
That is where trusting God comes into play. Nothing is impossible with Him. But His way might not be your way. Paul probably did not want to be in prison for 5 years for a crime he did not commit, but that was God's way of taking the Gospel of the Savior to Rome. God will be with us. I know it, but don't take my word for it.

There are so many aspects of these truths that I simply cannot write about all of them. But go to Him, all of you who have heavy burdens. His burderns are light--but they may not be like you want them to me.

Well, I am done scattering my brain all over this blog.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

-Philippians 4:6-7

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